If you have not completed this emergency form this year with your emergency contact information, allergies, pediatrician etc, please do so as soon as possible. Your child will not be able to attend camp until this is completed.
Each family needs to complete this Liability Waiver one time - this will cover all children for all camp weeks. Your child will not be able to attend camp until this is completed.
Campers will check in and out at the outdoor pavilion OR the playground, someone will direct you to the correct location.
We do not offer early drop-off.
Make sure any person picking up your camper is on the authorized pick-up list, and has their driver's license with them. We will not release your child to anyone who can not show their driver's license or has not been approved by parents.
At pick up, please come to the pavilion or the playground to sign your child out. Don't forget their lunchbox! :)
There is a fee for late pick up. $5 every 5 minutes late after 2:05 pm
We are not able to refrigerate any items, please pack a ice pack in lunchbox. Snacks should be simple to open, no difficult packages please. Lunch boxes and snacks need to be clearly marked with your child’s first and last name.
Thank you for packing a healthy lunch that does NOT include these items:
Candy, gum or unhealthy sweets
Fruit Cups
Juice boxes/pouches
Lunchbox and snack, clearly marked with name
Water Bottle, clearly marked with name, and easily opened by child. They will be able to refill during the day.
Backpack, clearly marked with child’s name
Inside the backpack:
sunscreen and bug spray - bagged and labeled
Please make sure your child does not bring any toys from home.
Bag containing change of clothes, labeled
You will turn left and drive around the circle to park beside or across from the greenhouse in the gravel lot.
Please note - the driveway is one way only.
This is a nature camp and an outdoor school. We get messy and dirty and love every minute of it! Please send your child in clothing that can get stained and messy.
Your child needs to wear closed toe shoes. Please make sure child’s shoes are sturdy and can handle walking and working. Sturdy water sandals, like Keens, with closed toes are fine.
Sunscreen and Bug Spray need to be applied to your camper BEFORE being dropped off. If you send these items for your child, we are happy to assist in re-applying throughout the day.
Please make sure sunscreen and bug spray are clearly labeled with child’s name, and in a plastic bag inside your child’s backpack.
To protect the health and safety of the children and staff, children who are sick with any illness need to be kept home. This includes but is not limited to the following conditions and symptoms:
Pink Eye
Colored Discharge from nose or eyes unrelated to allergies
Persistent cough
Shortness of Breath
Difficulty Breathing
Fever of 100.4 or greater
Nausea and Diarrhea
Undetermined Rash
Two or more of the Following Symptoms:
Sore Throat
Muscle Aches
New loss of taste or smell
Children excluded for fever, difficulty breathing or cough should stay home until they are 48 hours fever-free without the use of a fever-reducing medication .
In the event that your child becomes sick, we will bring them indoors and be with them in a quiet, secluded place to rest. We will call you and ask that you come and get them. If we cannot reach you, we will call next on emergency pick up list.
If you have any questions, please email If you need to pick your child up early, or need to get in touch with us, please call: Renee Parks - 209-988-6701